Why I Trust Him

Matthew 7:9-11 Which of you, if his son asks for bread would give him a stone, or if he asks for a fish will give him a snake. If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sam E still working, but Rough Day

All 5 kids are off kilter today.  Is this because I was sick yesterday(I ended up coming down with something similar to Tyke's stomach issues)?  Is this their bid for attention?  I woke up in a good mood today.  I felt a lot better.  I started right on my daily routines and made the kids pancakes as a special treat. As you can see the supplements have continued to work well for me.

I can never decide this issue in child rearing.  If children are just having bad days and nothing you say or do snaps them out of it should you send them to their rooms for a good long while?  Is it cruel to just go ahead at a certain point, and acknowledge that since no one wants to obey or treat one another with kindness and respect it is better just to stay in your rooms and play?

I worry about sending my kids away.  I don't want to give them the wrong message.  I am having one of those days where it's only one of me and 5 of them and there are a ton of behavior issues going on. 

Cy and Liv are "forgetting" our obey the first time rule today.  They are playing too rough for the boys, and trying to get schoolwork finished has been like pulling teeth. They are hyper-distracted... constantly!

Tot is loud.  He is always loud, but today he continues to come to me screaming about "boo boos."  A tiny touch is enough to set him off.  Every offense real and imagined is worth screaming about today.  Someone screaming unexpectedly near my face continues to be an adrenaline trigger for me.

Tyke has been sick, but he is a lot better.  While sick he got attention for his diarrhea and nausea. We felt sorry for him and kept him calm and happy.  My reward today is that he is acting as if he has never been potty trained.  No.  It is no longer diarrhea. 

Baby is okay, but still a handful on his best day.  I should be getting a break during naptime, but with the oldest unable to focus on school we are STILL finishing our school day.

My choices are... Let everyone stay together and keep putting up with it and trying to be above the chaos,  Send everyone to their rooms and take a mental health break, or do a change of scenery, like loading them all in the car after nap time and going for a drive. 

Well, at least I can think of options.  That is a nice result of my enhanced mood lately.

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