Why I Trust Him

Matthew 7:9-11 Which of you, if his son asks for bread would give him a stone, or if he asks for a fish will give him a snake. If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Friday, December 28, 2012

I Need(ed) a Drink

A bottle of wine.  That is how I dealt with today or shall I say "recovered."  I enjoyed a couple of glasses from a delicious bottle of wine. 

I read my Child and Adolescent Development textbook from college.  The good news?  My kids are right on track.  The bad news?  I am not coping very well right now.

My 8 year old plays too rough, my 6 year old is too emotional, my 3 year old tests too many limits, my 2 year old cries too often, and my 1 year old has too much separation anxiety.  Thank you, thank you Child and Adolescent Development textbook for telling me that these are the things that I should expect at these ages.   I looked all over the table of contents for how to skip a stage.  Strangely, that chapter wasn't included.

I have decided that childhood is just a series of personality disorders that we help our children get through.  Well... I may end up in my own padded room before I get all 5 of them functioning well.

Oh yeah, I am saying freakin' way too much.  Whenever freakin' starts coming out it is a good measure of my stress level.  The other day I was rubbing my head and Tot walks up and says, "You K Mom?  You godda fweakin' headache Mom?  You godda fweakin' headache?" That was both sad and funny coming from a 2 year old. I did not realize I had referred to my headache as a freakin' headache, but I am sure Tot parroted me correctly.  I have to watch myself on that word.

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