Why I Trust Him

Matthew 7:9-11 Which of you, if his son asks for bread would give him a stone, or if he asks for a fish will give him a snake. If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

They Filed!!!

We went to court and it took forever to actually get in.  I shared pics of the boys with bio-mom and bio-grandma.  I complimented them on the cute outfit they had put on Baby at the last visit and told them I put it on him again today.  They seemed very pleased by this.  I offered to send her pictures via email if she had an address for me, but she did not.  They tried to get my phone number and facebook info while we were talking but I blamed DC$ confidentiality rules and said we could not share that kind of thing.

Bio-Grandma had a long, very loud phone conversation with someone where she talked a very big game.  Turns out she has bags of evidence she just can't find right now that when she finds it will prove they are all out to get her daughter.  At one point she said very loudly, "Oh no, the foster family is good people, S_____ has spent time with them and she says they are very nice."  This makes me happy.  I don't want to be seen as the enemy because I feel like that jeopardizes my family.  If they want to make DC$ and the Advocates the bad guys that is fine with me.  If I have to stand up and speak I will, but I'd rather not have to place a target on myself.

After those two went to a different area I asked the advocate if they were filing for termination today.  He looked at me sadly and said, "No, I wanted to tell you that.  I got the report on what they are filing and they are going to focus on another issue entirely and ask for a later court date."

I pulled out my phone and texted all 5 of my immediate family and we were all instantly praying.  We were called into court and everyone sat down.  The DC$ attorney and the caseworker conferred and then spoke up and asked for a few more minutes because they had forgotten some paperwork.  We all had to leave the courtroom again.  We came back in 10 minutes later and low and behold in that time they had decided to file for termination.

They explained that except for visits NONE of the case plan was being followed.  The date was set for trial. The judge asked if they were going to continue to offer services (think visitation) and caseworker says, "Yes."  What??? I did not like that part.

Then the advocate got to speak and he brought up how much the boys hate visits.  He told how therapists, the visit supervisor and themselves had all witnessed this.  The judge commented that it was understandable with the boys being so young that they were bonded with us.  He looked at DC$ and said, "I assume you are monitoring this?"  I was thinking NO.   "If it gets to be too traumatic for the boys you will bring it to my attention?"  They said they would.  We will see.

After court I caught up with caseworker.  She was speeding out of the building and wouldn't slow down or stop.  She said the attorney told her to leave in this manner.  She said, "I am glad you caught up with me.  I can't appear to be biased in any way. I need reports from their therapists about visits then I can put a stop to them."  Weirdly enough the therapists had offered to do this several times already.  I left her speeding for her car.  She claimed the bio-family was getting volatile and she had to get out of there.  Maybe she did.  I didn't see that part of it because we left right away as we were at the back of the room.

I wanted to dance in circles.  Next step down.  Finally.  At least the boys have a chance at freedom now.  Thank God.

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