Why I Trust Him

Matthew 7:9-11 Which of you, if his son asks for bread would give him a stone, or if he asks for a fish will give him a snake. If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Seriously aggravated here...

My phone call...

Me: Hi Caseworker what's up?

Caseworker:  Bio Mom showed up for most recent drug test.  I know she is going to show up for court now.

Me:  Oh... That's dissappointing.

Caseworker: (Sounding shocked)  I know!  She hasn't shown up to anything in so long.  I really didn't expect her too.

Me:  Yeah, I was kind of hoping she would keep the pattern going.

Caseworker: (Sounding overworked)  I don't even have my timeline done yet!  I was supposed to have that done.  The lawyer told me to have it done and be practicing my statements, but I really didn't think she'd show!

Me:  (Faking nonchalance)  Is the timeline difficult?

Caseworker:  Oh yeah it's going to take me forever.  (Laughing)  Nothing like waiting until the last minute.  (More laughing.)

Pause....   What do I say here?  She's not READY?

Me:  Well, I have been praying.  I have my whole family praying.

Caseworker:  (Still laugh-talking)  You tell them they aren't praying hard enough!

I kind of like my caseworker on some levels, but she has no idea the horror she struck into my heart.  We have been subpoenaed and I have been going back through everything I have had to report to DC$ or just personally noted.   I spent the last two days sorting through my notes of all of the horrors the boys have endured.  Spending all of this time looking at the reality of what they have come from.  They CANNOT go back because the defense is able to make the caseworker look incompetent.

On a good note.  I found out both therapists are subpoenaed to testify.  I have heard the judge really respects their testimony.  I am relieved they will be there, especially with the advocate unable to appear.  (Please keep him in your prayers.  His cancer is very aggressive.)

Oh yes in case I posted wrong on this blog court is Thursday, not Wednesday.

What are we doing?  We are making sure our notes for testifying are rock solid with dates and times etc.  We are praying.

Please pray?


  1. Praying! These workers will be the death of us...

  2. prayers for you and your little ones today! May the Lord take the case in hands.
