Why I Trust Him

Matthew 7:9-11 Which of you, if his son asks for bread would give him a stone, or if he asks for a fish will give him a snake. If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It's All in How You Look at Things

My Counter... It is sad how often I let it determine how I feel about myself as a mother.  I look at it and I think.  What a mess!  Why can't I ever keep things looking nice?

As I stared once again feeling condemned by my counter I realized that the majority of these items had only landed there in the last hour. I decided to snap this picture and go back over all the things I see and tell myself why they are there.

The bottle of medicine is there because I was getting a headache and it was making me grumpy...  I take care of myself so I am a happy Mommy.

The flier is for a sale is because I try never to buy something unless it is on sale and even then usually the flier just sits on my counter and is eventually tossed out ... I am careful with our money.

The Kindle is because I had been reading through my Bible study.... I value God's Word.

The Sun glasses are because we had been going in and out all day...  I like to spend time outside.

The toy microphone started out precious as I listened to my babies sing into it.  It had to be removed and "put up" because an argument over ownership started... I love to hear my babies sing and I don't allow fighting over toys.

The books are on the counter because I looked at books with Baby and pointed to objects with him...  I think learning is important and I love spending time with him.

The stack of mail ... Because that is the sort of thing I can never get to when it first enters the house... I prioritize my time.

The teacup sits in the center of the counter because I took time out to make a little cinnamon sugar mix for the kids because they have been rejecting cereal lately...  I care that the kids with low-iron eat their iron rich cereals.

The red bowl collects my daily scraps for our chickens... I even want to make the chickens happy.

The plates are all sat out so I can easily serve everyone's dinner... Because I like us all to sit down at the table at the same time together.

The baby formula feeds the littlest member of our family... I don't like my kids hungry and fussy.

The camera lets me snap a picture at a moments notice (although usually my oldest are snapping those pics)... I believe the best pictures don't happen when they are planned.

The orange box is full of books I need to return to a friend... I save money by borrowing things instead of buying. 

The frying pan holds the beginnings of our dinner...  I cook good meals for my family.

The zucchini just came in from our garden... I like fresh produce.

My counter says a lot of things about who I am, but it is not a condemnation of me as a mother or wife.  I need to remember not to listen to the nasty voice that is always trying to convince me I am not good enough.

What about you?  Does your counter reveal your priorities too?

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