Why I Trust Him

Matthew 7:9-11 Which of you, if his son asks for bread would give him a stone, or if he asks for a fish will give him a snake. If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Sampling

For some reason I am having difficulty uploading pictures...

I had a wonderful day out with Liv just a couple of days ago.  My sweet girl was a giggle-box and I laughed with her.  I didn't have to worry about things getting out of control with the group dynamic.  She tried to be a best friend to some local ducks and I let her because I didn't have to worry about a toddler tumbling into the water.  We went to the park and she swang as high as she could just for the momentary feel of her hair flying behind her and I let her because, well... I always let her do that.  :)  We truly enjoyed our girl time.

In other news Chi sat with me for awhile yesterday and got emotional.  He wanted to know why I left him behind the door at the visits when he was crying for me.  Oh No, the visits didn't traumatize him at all...  He laid his head on me and I hugged him.  "That's all done now Chi, Mommy doesn't have to leave you anymore."  He is my emotional boy.

Everywhere we go Obee tells everyone.  "Dis my Mom.  You gotta Mom?  Dis my Mom."  I love his ownership of me.  The other day Chi was angry because I wouldn't go get him ice cream.  He said, "I don't love you!  I love Obee, and Cy, Cy, and Liv, and Zee, but I don't love you MOM!"  I sat in the front of the van with a little smile on my face.  I had to admire his creative anger.

Then Obee got mad.  "CHI!  Dat's my MOM.  I love my Mom, and if you don't love my Mom, den I don't love you!"  At that point I had to calm them both down and bring the love back.  Still, my Obee loves me and if anyone else doesn't well... them's fighting words.  I love that boy.

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