Why I Trust Him

Matthew 7:9-11 Which of you, if his son asks for bread would give him a stone, or if he asks for a fish will give him a snake. If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Heavenly Peace

The holidays are upon us and life here is good.  I am amazed at how I am actually able to disconnect when the need arises and all of my family keeps on track.  I am getting time once again for little pet projects.  We are dreaming of a kitchen remodel.

This may not seem extraordinary to some, but 1 year ago I could not have imagined that life would begin to feel so... normal!  Before there was some laughter and some joy amid dark and scary times.  Now the laughter and joy have returned to a place of being an integral part of our family identity.

How long did it take to get here?  For me it took 2 and a half years to reach this place.  This family fought hard to get here and it was more than worth it. Can I just say, I love us?!

My babe's have their struggles.  I have one who may even be slightly autistic, but he is who he is, and he is at peace now more than ever before.  Proverbs 22:6 says,  "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it."  I have finally come to a place where I believe this to be true for ALL children, trauma babies, and special needs kids, rowdy children, and shy ones.  I do my part to teach, train, and correct, and I trust God to do the healing.  I trust God's promise for their "ever - afters."  The trade off? The more I decide to let go and trust the more peace I get.

Maybe someone is reading this and you are scared because it all feels dark and hard and ugly right now.  The good parts seem fake and only the darkness seems real.  Can I just encourage you?  Hang on my sister!  Hang on my brother!  Just hang on and believe that God is who he says he is and he has good plans for you and ALL of your family.  Redemption is and was, ugly and bloody and painful, but there is so much beauty to come.  Don't lose hope. Don't try to cut and run.  I know how you feel.   I know you feel you are being swallowed up and forever extinguished, but when you emerge from this fire it will be better than it ever was.  You will be better than you ever were.  There is so much joy ahead of you.    I am praying for you!  

May you and your family have peace and joy this Holiday season!

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