The caseworker called me yesterday. We have court this afternoon.
No one has been able to get a hold of bio-mom. Last time she showed up for some last minute stuff just before court. This time she is missing. So once again I am hoping she will not show up. The caseworker advised me that if she does not appear her rights will be taken after a short trial with just my old caseworker's testimony.
The caseworker also informed me that she has worked it out privately with bio-mom's attorney to have a meeting with just the two of them (no bio-grandma allowed) to attempt to get her to voluntarily relinquish her rights. This is what the caseworker is hoping for. She said she wanted me to have hope. She is the area expert in this I am told. The caseworker told me that in 5 years she has only had one family not sign away rights and then they never even showed up for court.
I want to believe her.
Here's the thing. If she relinquishes she can keep future children. If the state deems her unfit they will remove future children. Bio-Mom is very young. I think there is a high probability there will be future children. God alone knows which is the best course. I do not even want to imagine another baby facing what my boys faced.
As I was putting him to bed last night Chi shared some strange and disturbing memories. He was only 1 when he was removed. He is babbling about the same things he was trying to tell me about 8 months ago! I understand him more clearly now as he can speak so much better than he could at first. The things he is describing sound like a mixture of nightmares, simple truths, and things others told him to believe about the events. My point is he was just a baby. He was no match for his tormentors and no other child would be either.
I am praying this is all over today and I am praying that the God who sees all knows which way is the best way to go.
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