Bio mom showed up. She would not relinquish her rights. I am told that when asked by the attorney what she had done to get her boys back she said, "Nothing." From there she proceeded to answer very few questions and lawyers for both sides and the judge had to ask her to speak up.
The police and forensics people, the therapists and doctors all testified. The caseworker told me they ran out of time or it all would have finished yesterday. Now the caseworker and myself have to testify in 2 weeks. I don't know if anyone else had to.
Strangely I am not that sad really. I guess if I am bummed about anything I wish she hadn't shown up. With things going this way I know future babies are safe too. This, to me, seems like the heart of God. Although was okay with the signing away shortcut because the caseworkers behaved like it was for the best and I personally and selfishly want this over with, but another baby shouldn't have to suffer.
My old caseworker talked to me and we had a very pleasant conversation. She said she was feeling pressure and a little grouchy. I wonder if it was hard sitting there while all the professionals testified to all the evidence of the trauma she seemed to want to ignore. Whether that was by her choice, or forced from somewhere higher up I don't know. There is no way the therapists that came in did not bring up the abuses the boys have acted out and talked about. The forensics people even have pictures. It was a good day for the boys, but maybe bad for her.
With bio-mom showing up yesterday and not signing what happened in the darkness has been brought to the light and that is a good thing I believe.
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