Why I Trust Him

Matthew 7:9-11 Which of you, if his son asks for bread would give him a stone, or if he asks for a fish will give him a snake. If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Monday, June 29, 2015

No Contact

I made the right contacts to look in to reopening our home.   We could reopen our home because our license has not been closed for too long.  I talked to 3 different people and was told we would be contacted about relicensing.  I did all of this 2 weeks ago.

No contact from anyone.

So... I am not going to worry about it.  The whole thing is too big for me.  If God wants it to work out he will change the situation to work.

I saw a new picture of baby girl.  Her hair was adorable, her outfit a perfect little white tutu, the rooms around her were clean and picked up. The pics of Mom show similar  self care.  As of right now even I would not pull her away based on what can be seen.

I will continue to pray, but I can't guess what is best.  Only God knows.

Update on my babies?   Cy is 11 and after recovering from a compound fracture of his arm he is back in gymnastics.  He is chronically absent-minded' but super intelligent, and striving to honor God and his family.   He and Obie are pretty tight.

Olivia is doing well, but continues to need to be pulled out of the boy craziness from time to time and have Mommy - Daughter time.  I thank God my sister and her 3 girls are close.  Jazz and Olivia are 3 months apart in age so they are best frenemies!

Obie's biggest issues right now are his struggles to do EVERYTHING Cy and Liv do.  He is helpful and good natured and talented.  He can get anxiety, but we can usually talk him through it.  He successfully handled his first big kids weekend with Cy and Liv at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Everyone said he was awesome.

Malachi is growing up a lot.  He helps do the chores and is beginning to think of others to some extent. His love for animals has helped with this.  It has taught him compassion.  He still struggles the most with resiliency and anxiety.  Example:  he just hit Zee in the face 3 times because as he said, "he was standing to close and it was scaring me."   We will be talking with his doctor about this kind of thing soon.  Everywhere we go and everything we do we have to plan, prepare, and make accomodations, for Chi.  We have gotten used to it, but I wonder if something more can be done.

Zee has spent these past few months adapting to our expectations to be a big boy and use his words, and obey.  He his a charmer as nearly all babies of the family are.  He likes to sing and dance, and loves anything to do with tractors.  He likes to push his siblings buttons and tries to take advantage of his baby status to get his way.

All in all I have a pretty terrific bunch and we are making our way through life feeling blessed beyond measure.

Sunday, June 14, 2015


I sometimes search the Internet for news on the boys' bio Mom or Grandmother.  They had quite a few run-ins with the authorities and were connected to som pretty violent people.  IF anything happened to them I would want to be able to inform the boys someday...

I remembered to look again since I haven't for a long time.  I found b.m's new Facebook page.  There between sexualized selfies, pornography, and jokes about horrific violence were pictures of a 6 month old baby girl.  B.M. has had another child.

It didn't hit me at first.  Not until I followed the friend info to find bio grandma with a picture of the boys that I gave them during the case, as her profile picture.   She says she is praying them home...

It was seeing their faces in her possession in that way that had me gasping for air.  I sobbed for what was lost.  I realized the family this little baby, with a face like my sons' was growing up in.

Obie was 2 when he came.   The horrible things that had happened to him before he was even 3 years old, all came back to me.  I am just crying out to God for that little baby's protection.

I will be fine and then I will think of her and I am praying and fighting back tears.  I relook at the pictures and I see how tiny, and helpless, and trapped she is with a Mom who thus far, is still showing that she cares about all the wrong things.  I look at her and I see my boys.

I called dc$.  They did not know a baby was born.  Without some kind of report they will not look onto her welfare.

Now we are thinking about reopening our home for her.  If she should be removed...  I don't know if it would even work out.  She can't be placed with her brothers if we aren't open.  Maybe it doesn't even matter.

Tonight I can't sleep because my sons' sister is out there and she is in danger and I wish I could do something to help.  If you still read this blog at all please pray for this little girl.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


I don't write this too complain, but rather to chronicle where I am at in life right now.  There is always so much noise.  I crave silence.   I  inundated with sound constantly.  My children are loud.  They are loud when they are happy, mad, sad, or curious.

I can, at times, set aside the ear jarring nature of it all and enjoy my house filled with life, but I am not exaggerating, some days my ears feel like they are buzzing.  I am hiding in the bathroom right now.  It is quiet in here.  Malachi's squeals of laughter reach through the door barrier.  Apparently Thomas is a very funny train.

My own voice is regularly worn out struggling to compete with the din. My voice crashes against my already sensitive ear drums when I call for them. Someday the silence may seem stifling, but at this point  with my children the noise sometimes is stifling.

Today my sister walked inside and saw me surrounded by little people who were constantly  touching and talking loudly to me.  She paused to stare for a moment.  "Just watching you I feel like I can't breathe."  I felt better when she said it because sometimes I feel like I can't breathe and of course I blame ME and my lack of... whatever. 

I think this is the stage of life we are at right now.  It's not horrible, there are many blessings in it, but I am considering sending a few to school next year.  I would like just a little quiet.   Maybe I won't send them, but it's fun to imagine.

Disapprove if you must, but sometimes a little television turns down the volume beautifully.   Well, at least it helps me get dinner on with a semblance of peace.  :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sibling Conversations

Talking about adoption is open in our home.  Three of my children have a first Mom experience to fit into their understanding of life.  Two of my children do not.  Sometimes my oldest do not completely understand the best ways to encourage without dredging up emotional stuff.

Here are a few examples.  There have been times when one of my youngest has tried to begin an emotionally sad discussion about his first Mom right at the point where his brothers are having a super good time.  I have learned to stop that before it gets started because it gets his siblings in an emotional twist.  I say, "We will talk about that as much as you want.  Later." And we do talk about it.

Well, Liv doesn't exactly understand and she has that girl thing of trying to talk like she's the Mom.  So annoying...  So when the same child brought up a simple comment about his first Mom at breakfast, she spouts, " You DO NOT talk about that!"  I shut that girl down quicker than she could draw another breath to spout more nonsense.

If I recall it went something like, "He MAY talk about his first Mom and if you act like that again you will spend the morning in your room!," switch to sweet voice, "What were you saying, honey?"  I tried to rescue the moment in the middle of a hurried morning routine, but my "save" felt inadequate. Was it my fault because I have stopped discussion before?

Then there is Cy.  He is kind of a mushy ridiculous type when it is just our family.  He knows it and it is fun for the two of us since we are similar.  He says in a baby voice,  "Mommy, you are the bestest Mommy ever, I like you, you are my favorite," he adds in a cheeky aside "That's probably because you are my only Mommy but still..."  This comment is completely silly and adorable and no big deal, until I realize Obie is sitting out of my view listening to every single word.  When I filter it through his eyes, Cy's 11 year old silliness seems almost cruel.  Do I say something and make Cy feel bad?  Do I leave it be and hope Obie gets the silliness aspect?

My quick possibly inadequate fix, "Your SILLY!"  Thinking... please hear this as silly, please.

Then there is stuff with the 3 youngest, Malachi says something about  their first mom, Zee, who will argue the color of the sky right now and who does not remember S- yells, S- not my Mommy!  Mommy is MY Mommy!"  Chi yells back to correct Zee and a fight erupts.   I rush into the room to try to help them both understand.

My fix? "Chi, Zee doesn't remember S- but she was your first Mom before you came to me and now I am Mommy.  You are both right!  This I say with a big smile and an excited voice.   Hoping... praying, they will take their cue from me.

I get so scared of messing this up sometimes.  There are so many people I need to help sort it all out.  I am doing my best, but people assume my children reflect me.  I assume they do too, so when one of them hurts the other with their words I think, what else should I be doing better?

I think I am a very lucky Mom to have this amazing family.  I just want to do a good job.  You know?!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


I know that I used to post a lot about my struggles with Chi.  He is in such a better place now.  He still struggles.  He still needs zero wiggle room when it comes to boundaries and rules, but he is doing so well.

I could rehash 30 issues we have dealt with this week, but that is not the story of his life now.  His story now revolves around his emerging ability to safely connect with the world around him.

Chi can say, "I love you," and now he means it.  He is not mimicking he is communicating.  Chi can meet my eyes now and we can share a moment.  The connected moment can still send him for a loop, but his loops are smaller now.  Chi can smile softly now and not every smile is a tight, near grimace spread across his face.

Chi can play appropriately for a period of time without constant correction and redirection.  Chi can participate in some group activities now. 

I cannot compare him to other kids his age, but my sweet Chi is making progress and we are headed in the right direction.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Leave it Alone

What do I do when my children deviate from chores to build a castle together? I sneak up and snap a picture of course.  Peace with so many siblings is something that should be left alone.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Expert... Hah!

I was out yesterday and I noticed another woman with a young school age daughter.   I am desperate to talk to real life grown-ups I suppose,  because I said,  "Are you a homeschool Mom?"

"First year,"  She said, sounding uncertain and surprised at the same time. 

"It gets easier,"  I replied.  We had a short conversation and I talked about beginning my homeschool experience 6 years ago (Wow! Has it been six years?!)

   "Sounds like I should to be talking to you," she said.

  "You've got this," I encouraged the nice stranger.

I realized that somewhere along the way I have gone from a newbie, nervous about everything, to a seasoned homeschool Mama.

I have also gone from being a nervous constantly self-doubting foster and adoptive Mama, to more of a seasoned, do the best you can today type of Mom.

I used to think Mom's like me were experts, but me an expert?!  Hah!  Maybe the only big difference is getting to the place where I believe there truly are no experts, so "they" don't know better than I do and I may not know better than them, but maybe we can learn from each other.   Maybe.

One of the best parenting advice books out there has helped me tremendously and it can help you too!  Are you ready for it?!  "Oh The Places You'll Go," by the always helpful Dr. Seuss.  "Will you succeed? Yes you will indeed!  98 and 3/4% guaranteed!  Kid, you'll move mountains."

As a final note to those questioning my grammer and editing skills  I know titles are supposed to be underlined, but I am using my phone to blog and I can't figure it out! And... if I leave this quiet place people will... well, they will want stuff!  Whew,  self justification complete.  I feel better.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Pancake Therapy

It seems Obie was not done working out his feelings.  We began another day of attention getting antics and crocodile tears.  I was getting F R U S T R A T E D.

I hate it when a beautiful talk sometimes stirs things up for awhile. 

He got in trouble for impulse control issues that led to someone else being hurt at a local gym. He was so upset with me for making him sit out for the last 20 minutes he pulled out the stops verbally to make sure he had my attention. 

Afterwards, I dropped the kids off with a babysitter and drove around my country mile a couple times.  I was becoming reactive and I needed to step away. 

At some point I just knew that all he needed was to be certain of our connection.  I stopped back at the house and picked him up.  We talked and talked and talked because he is quite a talker.  I picked up on some things that were making him have anxiety and he asked if I had a headache, "cause sometimes you get one when your stressed and then I get you a glass of water."  It's no lie he really will show up with a cup of water.  My funny, smart, outrageous kid, he knew I was stressed out earlier.

  We ate pancakes and discussed how Mommy can get stressed out and how he can get stressed out.  We talked about what family means and he was tracking with me all the way.  "Family means like when I get mad at Cyrus because he won't let me in his room, but I still want to keep him?"  We expounded on that beautiful point.

Since our afternoon rescue of pancakes and quality time Obie has had a great day and he seems to be self-regulating again.  Thank you Jesus!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Daddy's Shadow

Zee and Ryan are very close.  Sometimes Zee will pause whatever he is doing just to say, out of the blue, "Hi Dad!"

Ryan chuckles and replies back in a matter-of-fact voice, "Hi Zee."

Where Daddy goes, Zee goes.  Daddy likes tractors so Zee likes tractors, Daddy is fixing things so Zee is "fitsin somepin."

Even in the coldest weather Zee wants to be at Ryan's side.  He begged and pleaded to go on a tractor ride in some very cold weather and because Daddy is a sucker for Zee they bundled up for short tractor ride.

They crack me up.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

His Subconscious Remembers

Sometimes my Obie has confusing  dreams.  As he describes them to me I realize he is having flashback dreams.  His conscious mind seems to have forgotten the worst things, but they linger in his dreams.  These disturbing flashes of his old life create what he describes as a kind of macabre portrait amidst dreams of battle scenes as if he is caught in an action movie/nightmare.
I am so glad he talks to me and doesn't suffer these things quietly.  When confusion reigns I retell his story because the nightly terrors are stopped when he can verbalize why they are there in the first place.  Something in my core knows I cannot keep secrets from him about himself.  His own subconscious would betray the lie and he would be distrustful of what he and I share.
As I retold parts of it his eyes flashed in shock at my omnipotence.   How did I know even what he wasn't saying?!  He is so precious to me and as much as I hate that we can't just leave the past behind, this retelling and reaffirming has only brought us closer. 
Again we ended our talk by praying for his first Mom.  This was my precious son's idea.  We talked for awhile.  He said he still loved her and I said that's a good thing.
There is no script for these conversations that I cannot fail to have, but I am so scared of failing.  I hope ultimately my words will convey that I am okay with the blurred lines and conflicted loyalties and bad dreams.  I hope over a lifetime of conversations we will get it right together.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

When He Makes Them Laugh.

You know  that moment in the day when you finally sit down and only then discover how truly tired you are?  That is me at suppertime.  Then my amazing husband makes our children laugh.  It's like a cool drink of clear water for my weary soul.  So often he presses the start button on my favorite parts of family life just by making family fun. 

I had to snap a picture of our family table.  One day I'm going to miss this.