I was out yesterday and I noticed another woman with a young school age daughter. I am desperate to talk to real life grown-ups I suppose, because I said, "Are you a homeschool Mom?"
"First year," She said, sounding uncertain and surprised at the same time.
"It gets easier," I replied. We had a short conversation and I talked about beginning my homeschool experience 6 years ago (Wow! Has it been six years?!)
"Sounds like I should to be talking to you," she said.
"You've got this," I encouraged the nice stranger.
I realized that somewhere along the way I have gone from a newbie, nervous about everything, to a seasoned homeschool Mama.
I have also gone from being a nervous constantly self-doubting foster and adoptive Mama, to more of a seasoned, do the best you can today type of Mom.
I used to think Mom's like me were experts, but me an expert?! Hah! Maybe the only big difference is getting to the place where I believe there truly are no experts, so "they" don't know better than I do and I may not know better than them, but maybe we can learn from each other. Maybe.
One of the best parenting advice books out there has helped me tremendously and it can help you too! Are you ready for it?! "Oh The Places You'll Go," by the always helpful Dr. Seuss. "Will you succeed? Yes you will indeed! 98 and 3/4% guaranteed! Kid, you'll move mountains."
As a final note to those questioning my grammer and editing skills I know titles are supposed to be underlined, but I am using my phone to blog and I can't figure it out! And... if I leave this quiet place people will... well, they will want stuff! Whew, self justification complete. I feel better.
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