I sometimes search the Internet for news on the boys' bio Mom or Grandmother. They had quite a few run-ins with the authorities and were connected to som pretty violent people. IF anything happened to them I would want to be able to inform the boys someday...
I remembered to look again since I haven't for a long time. I found b.m's new Facebook page. There between sexualized selfies, pornography, and jokes about horrific violence were pictures of a 6 month old baby girl. B.M. has had another child.
It didn't hit me at first. Not until I followed the friend info to find bio grandma with a picture of the boys that I gave them during the case, as her profile picture. She says she is praying them home...
It was seeing their faces in her possession in that way that had me gasping for air. I sobbed for what was lost. I realized the family this little baby, with a face like my sons' was growing up in.
Obie was 2 when he came. The horrible things that had happened to him before he was even 3 years old, all came back to me. I am just crying out to God for that little baby's protection.
I will be fine and then I will think of her and I am praying and fighting back tears. I relook at the pictures and I see how tiny, and helpless, and trapped she is with a Mom who thus far, is still showing that she cares about all the wrong things. I look at her and I see my boys.
I called dc$. They did not know a baby was born. Without some kind of report they will not look onto her welfare.
Now we are thinking about reopening our home for her. If she should be removed... I don't know if it would even work out. She can't be placed with her brothers if we aren't open. Maybe it doesn't even matter.
Tonight I can't sleep because my sons' sister is out there and she is in danger and I wish I could do something to help. If you still read this blog at all please pray for this little girl.
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