Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh! We got to trial and the defense attorney told everyone she would need a 2 and 1/2 hour break in the middle of the court day for some personal thing. This screwed up everything for the police, therapists, and doctors, all lined up to testify so court is now postponed until April.
On a good note the attorney for DC$ had a private meeting with us. She shared her plan and I am feeling much more confident about the whole thing. Ryan and I won't testify unless she feels it is absolutely necessary. If it looks like we will testify she is going to have us in to practice things. They will also prevent me using my full name in court and redact our name and address from the court records.
At this meeting I learned that the original police and investigators are more than willing, they are practically lining up to testify for on the boys' behalf and in support of termination. With the boys being so little and the crimes committed against them being so severe... well, good people want to help. The attorney reminded us this is an extraordinary case. She explained that this is the kind of case that even "bad" parents are shocked by.
We went through pictures of evidence the officers, hospital, doctors, and investigators had taken. I forgot just how bad it was. Seeing those pictures again... I cried. My poor babies, but they are safe now. I can wait. At least they are safe.
The attorney also complimented us on our care of the boys. Those present told us we were amazing for hanging in there with the boys because their behaviors were some of the worst they had seen. I cried again when they said this. It's not that complicated. I'm not that great. I just love them. They make me crazy and I love them with every fiber of my being.
Oh and another thing. Why did those with DC$ act like this was just some simple case of neglect? In speaking with the attorney today I saw her raise her eyebrows at several comments we made and look pointedly at the caseworker. "I had never heard that," she stated. I let her know I sent these things in by email, and she was surprised.
Another good thing. We can cut Baby's hair, they will probably move us to an adoption caseworker anyway, and the lawyer made our caseworker practice her statements for court today. The caseworker told me it was a good thing. She realized she was NOT ready to testify. They are planning to practice several more times prior to the next court date.
So now we hope she signs away rights or termination happens for real next time. I want her to sign away her rights... sort of. I saw the pictures and I never want another baby to go through that kind of thing. If God is choosing this path so DC$ has the right to remove future babies, then I am not going to question that plan. Preventing two months of waiting isn't worth putting another baby through the nightmare my little ones were living.
The lawyer says from here we are looking at nearly a year until we could adopt. I'm okay with that. I just need to know they will never go back.
A Blog About our Transracial adoptive family and our journey to adoption and beyond.
Why I Trust Him
Matthew 7:9-11 Which of you, if his son asks for bread would give him a stone, or if he asks for a fish will give him a snake. If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
How frustrating and how encouraging. Glad you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.