Before court bio-grandma was questioned about being rough with the boys by the caseworker, the advocates office, and by her daughter's attorney. They both readily admitted to being rough with the boys. They said, "Yeah, but they was screaming at us and hitting us, and kicking. They was the ones being bad." Wow, she did not even deny the accusations.
Then at court DC$ surprised me, the judge, and the advocate by siding with the advocate and they joined the motion to have visitation taken also! Every person who could be on board with stopping visitation was on board.
Court was very short. Because DC$ joined the motion late there was a little paperwork issue. The judge said he will read through the motions and make a ruling. We are supposed to know the ruling by Friday morning at the latest.
Bio-Mom's attorney of course argued against the stopping of visits, but the argument was really weak. I hope the judge thinks so too.
Then the caseworker came over for a visit today. She was like she used to be. She was positive and forthcoming with information, and very determined to finish this thing. I actually really like her when she acts this way. She feels very strongly that DC$ will win this case. Bio-Mom failed her last drug screen and came up with a very illicit drug in her system. The caseworker made sure to include this newest information in her report.
She and I both said at different points we don't see bio-mom signing away her rights. Bio-Mom could never even have that conversation with her attorney. Her own mom is always present and always does nearly all the talking. Bio-Grandma will not let bio-mom back away even though bio-mom has tried to. The caseworker told me that it is too bad because if bio-mom ever gets pregnant again they will take the baby at birth.
The caseworker talked a lot to me about adoption. She is excited for the boys and told me she can see how loved they are here. She said she hopes this is one of the cases were the kids forget nearly everything about their past. Me too.
That was today. All the pieces fell into place and I am so blessed about that. Now, I wait to hear the judge's decision.
A Blog About our Transracial adoptive family and our journey to adoption and beyond.
Why I Trust Him
Matthew 7:9-11 Which of you, if his son asks for bread would give him a stone, or if he asks for a fish will give him a snake. If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
Been rooting for them in my little corner.
Woohoo! So exciting when yuor WORKER starts talking about adoption! :)