Tyke, for no apparent reason, took 3 huge bites out of a nerf football and spit them on the ground. He was distressed when I took the ball away. He proceeded to arch his back and flop his body around as if his limbs had taken over control of his body. This went on for quite some time.
Tot came over and picked up the pieces and tried to eat them himself. This was AFTER snack time and drinks.
Tot screams. He will say things calmly like, "I play outside. I ride tractor." He appears calm and peaceful. Then all of the sudden a piercing "Tractor RIIIIIIIDE!" He does not get what he requests when he does these things, but... he still does them. Lately it seems more and more.
Any type of excitement can trigger screaming. It can be actually watching someone get corrected or being corrected. It can be happy jumping, or it can be a song he likes to hear, or a silly sound made by someone else. Tot follows it up with screaming.
Cy and Liv are getting tired of it. They scream back, "Shut UP!"
I say sternly, "Don't scream Tot, Don't say shut up you two." Tot screams more and more. He isn't mad. Just screaming.
Tot has reached a new phase. If you prohibit something then it MUST be done. I remember this with Tyke. I hated it.
I had a cleaner bottle beside me on the table right now. I have been spot cleaning. Both boys crawled on the table to reach the bottle. Both boys put the end in their mouths and were going to squirt the cleaner in. Don't worry. I stopped them. Tot screamed, "YOU!" Me what?
I just told Tot not to touch the computer. " MOOOOOM! he screams at the top of his lungs, "You obey!" Really? What does that even mean?
Seriously, I am tired.
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