The caseworker wanted to come and visit the boys yesterday. She called me 40 minutes before she arrived, but I was able to make it work. I'm glad I did.
She came and we talked. She said she wants to terminate rights. I asked about placement with Bio Grandma. She basically said, she would not willingly place a dog with this woman... Interesting. I asked about other family. She said, "No one is stepping forward."
I know the kids' court advocate wants to terminate. Now the caseworker is saying she wants to terminate. I know this could all be the flavor of the week, but I was ridiculously happy after talking with her yesterday.
As the day wore on and I settled down I realized that her saying termination does not mean it will happen. We have a long way to go. There is a court date on May 23 in regards to Bio-Mom's lack of following the case plan. Before, the caseworker told B. M. the judge would warn her and give her one more chance. Yesterday she was saying the judge may decide there should be no more visits.
She said she may have to give some visits to Bio Grandma, because she needs them to document Bio Grandma's poor behavior with the boys. However, the judge can say "no" to visits with Bio G. because she has a criminal history.
Her biggest concern is if Bio G. actually gets an attorney because so much of what she knows about her is inadmissible as evidence.
I know this whole thing is a roller coaster. I know that everything could change. Still, for these boys, termination is the right thing to happen. It is a step in the right direction with the caseworker acknowledging a need for termination. If nothing else, she has taken that step for now.
The next hearing after May 23 visitation hearing is June 20. It is at this hearing that the advocate plans to ask or file for termination (I don't know which exactly). With my caseworker on board that should be easier for him.
A quick side story... I had a family member diagnosed with a disease some years back. I prayed for peace for the family. I prayed for strength for the family member. I did not have the faith to ask for healing. I know how these things usually go. My sister was praying too. She declared to all of us, "I am not praying for peace and strength! I am praying for HEALING!" My family member was healed of what we were told was incurable. This experience reminded me that it is always okay to pray for the impossible.
God is able to go outside of the circumstances and make things happen. I know the bureaucracy I am dealing with. I know this road is supposed to be hard and long and arduous. I know that sometimes he uses that road, but... He doesn't have to. I know my God and HE IS ABLE! I am going to pray for the miraculously short road and trust his goodness even if it is the long hard road.
Please pray with me for the undeserved blessing and favor of the Lord, May 23 and June 20. God is able.
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