I put the Bee-bops (my name for my little guys) to bed. All went well until Tot decided that he was going to push things. He got up screaming, stomping, pounding. I went upstairs and calmed him down and helped him resettle into bed. All seemed well. I was able to leave. Three minutes later he started in again. I heard actual giggles between the screaming and pounding and stomping. He was doing his own little fake tantrum to get me back up there. He does this sometimes.
I walked up the stairs again. I stopped outside his room and prayed, "Oh help me Lord. I want to honor you. I just want to honor you." It's in these moments where I am just not sure what to do. I felt that discipline was needed. He was obviously playing around and not experiencing any fear, but how do I discipline that? If I ignore it, then Tyke does not get to sleep. If I react in anger I will put fear in him. If I put him in time-out I am isolating him.
All of the methods failed me at this moment. With a sudden inspiration, I gave him an option, "You can sleep in my room if you are going to be loud (he is scared to sleep without Tyke), or you may sleep in your room if you are quiet."
"My woom," he said. He went to bed quietly and I haven't heard a thing since.
Thank you Jesus for an answer I couldn't even begin to see when I first reached to top of the stairs.
i need to take that lesson from you....maybe i need to start praying in times like that. usually it's just god give me patience to not shoot myself:)