Life here is continuing forward. Cy and Liv started school. I was only a little emotional. There is too much to do to spend a lot of time thinking about my babies being gone all day. Last Wednesday they were at school and the boys were at a visit and it was surreal how quiet things were. I folded laundry and it felt like the quiet was pressing on my ears.
I still think of myself as a homeschool parent so this is a bit different. I have already taken the boys to the school room a couple of times to work on shapes and colors and counting. It was actually great to be able to give the little ones that time. They grin the ENTIRE time I am working with them. They love the attention and my oldest aren't getting jealous and horning in.
Speaking of jealousy... Baby is jealous now. He gets upset when he sees me holding Tyke or Tot and will crawl over and pull up, lay his head on my knee and cry. He is getting to be a handful too, and I am sad to see the easy stage passing by. He is sick and boogery today so he does have my sympathy. Poor, boogery, chubby, jealous, perfect boy.
I am getting a little tired of the two year old screaming phase with Tot. I am getting a little tired of the pick my up right now or I will sob and scream stage with Baby. I am getting a little tired of the bounce myself into everything and everyone every time I get excited stage with Tyke. I am sorry, I am whining, but I am getting a little tired.
I am actually trying to blog this post while Tot continually sticks his face in front of mine so I can't see the computer, Tyke is holding a toy blow dryer in my ear, and Baby is trying to steal the computer. It's kind of hard to blog that way. Oh wait... A fight for my right side is developing one sec please....
Ok, fight stopped. The inability to have time to blog even this little bit, without a fight for my attention, easily explains my failure to blog recently.
As you can see life here is pretty normal, and normal is hard. They are lucky they are cute. That's all I have to say.
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