I am trying not to get overwhelmed, but truthfully every 15 minutes or so "overwhelmed" sneaks up on me. Our house here is spoken for, we have a date we have to be gone from this place and we cannot find a place to go that isn't smaller or needing work we no longer have much time to do with so many little ones. We are talking about moving into something smaller. When my husband brought that up yesterday I cried a little.
My kids are so rowdy. 4 boys cannot be contained in their youthful exuberance without stifling them more than I want to. I can't imagine having to protect the furniture, walls, and windows even more than I already do. This winter of being so cold and nasty has made every single square foot of the home we currently have a precious commodity, and yet I have still felt smothered at times.
I have a prayer request. We found one house that would hold all of us easily. We decided to put in an offer and then found out it was a short sale. Everyone says short sales usually take forever. I would love to have this home although currently it feels like even more than what we need. We are getting ready to walk away from the deal and put in an offer on something that isn't nearly as perfect for us.
I know these are the concerns of a spoiled American. Please pray God would change my heart attitude and please pray we would find the house God has picked out for us very quickly.
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