Ryan has been busy this week and weekend and I have been feeling... left behind? Its not that I am not busy, because I have 5 kiddos here and a house that is never completely clean, but that's another story I am not going to go into. Go read "Cranky" at Millions of Miles, that was attitude this week too.
I decided I would take the wee ones out for lunch anyway. I took all the kids to a nice sit down restaurant all by myself. They all sat down and were reasonably well-behaved. I kind of felt like the Queen presiding over my table of well-adjusted and awesome children. I was thinking to myself, "Hey people, do you see my awesome family? Do you know what a wonder it is that all of my children will sit and eat and chat like civilized human beings?" I don't think anyone noticed really, but I still think I'm kind of awesome.
Ok, in the interests of honesty, Tyke did stand up on his chair like 15 times, but he sat down when I reminded him! and... Tot might have hollered "NO!" at me for no reason like 7 or 8 times, but when I took him to the side and threatened him quietly with time outs and naps, etc he pulled himself together. Baby, did steal my straw and throw it on the floor, and he threw his sippy cup on the floor, and he grabbed food off of any plate he could reach and banged his spoon on the table, but his smile was perfect. Liv did sound like she had a bullhorn the few times she struggled with volume control, but Cy really was absolutely charming. He was watching football on the restraunt television and I never really heard much from him. The rest of them were still perfect in my eyes and I am still kind of awesome.
If you can take that many littles out for lunch and feel awesome - YOU ARE!! I have promised never to put myself in that position again.... ha. it's never gone so well for me :-)