Why I Trust Him

Matthew 7:9-11 Which of you, if his son asks for bread would give him a stone, or if he asks for a fish will give him a snake. If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Another Girl?

I'd say there is a 50/50 chance we will be adding a little girl to our family very soon.  Her adoption is disrupting.  It is not her fault and it is not the fault of her adoptive parents.  She and her sisters were so hurt they have become roadblocks to one another's healing.  This family has brought V a long way, but she cannot stay.  This world is so crazy hard sometimes.  there is no room for judgement.

a while ago I felt God's tug about another.  Later I felt his tug about V specifically.  I lay in my bed and said, "But God what about Him?"  I knew Ryan would never agree.  I gave myself an out.  I told God that if He wanted this from us that he would have to have Ryan suggest it.  A couple nights ago the "impossible" happened.  I contacted V's Mom and told her where our family was at.  They are seriously considering us.  V and Liv are friends, and V would come as our "guest" while the boys adoption process finalized.  Then if all proceeds decently enough we would adopt V.  She would lose primary relationships, I can't protect her from that, but this would protectt her from some secondary losses.  We already have a heart for V.  My family has been praying for her specifically for a couple months.  None of us is taking this lightly.  This is a hard, hard thing.

Deep inside is a knowing that she (V) is not being a victim yet again.  She is still in the midst of God's story of redemption for her life.  Maybe he will use us, maybe not.  We are willing.

I apologize for the mess that you are reading through.  I am posting by cell (a messed up cell for that matter) because my computer crashed.

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